Field Notes Blog

Generations of Noah’s Ark

By Cory Scheer

9 summers ago in 2015, we had the opportunity to connect with some longtime friends and take them down Brown’s Canyon on the Arkansas River. Our friends, Jason and Katrina plus their three kids, joined two of our children for a wonderful trip. Every time the kids got splashed by the cold water they squealed and shouted. And everytime we dropped into one of the many class III rapids they got a bit quieter and held onto the frame of the boat  a bit tighter.  I was the guide that day and our daughter Cailyn (12 at the time) is seated over my left shoulder and our son Isaac (10 at the time) is seated in front of my left arm in this picture. 

My first summer as a guide at Noah’s Ark was in 1995. As an 18-year-old, little did I know how much that first training trip on the river and that first summer at Noah’s would set in motion the thousands of river miles and countless relationships that would change me and mold me into the person I am today. 

Almost 30 years later…after 5 years on summer staff, 8 years on full time and many, many incredible experiences with fellow Noah’s Ark staff members…I’m convinced that there are very few places like Buena Vista, Colorado and very few organization’s like Noah’s Ark. It’s a place deeply rooted in caring for others and welcoming everyone into the wonder and awe of the outdoors. 

The river runs through so many of my memories, and seeing the pictures from this trip from 9 years ago transports me back to being on the river that day. The beauty of the river and the rocks and the trees in Brown’s Canyon is everywhere. What is equally impactful is how this timeless 10-mile stretch of whitewater removes the distractions and slows us down. Things become more simple and we are given permission to focus on what matters most…our friends and family. 

Our two kids on that trip, Cailyn and Isaac, are now guides at Noah’s Ark. Cailyn is a fourth year staff member (1 full summer on the Adventure Park and 3 summers as a river guide). Isaac is a first year river guide. We talk about different routes through the rapids, how the river changes with the fluctuation of water levels, the rapids that remind us of how powerful this canyon is, and the stories of the incredible people all three of us have had the privilege of guiding and serving at Noah’s Ark. 

It has been one of my greatest joys to see Cailyn and Isaac experience many of the same things I experienced on staff at Noah’s. But it has been equally amazing to see each of them create their own experiences and determine their own contribution to the wellbeing and impact of the Noah’s Ark community. 

As I write this, I’m excited that in a few hours our family will be hosting some friends in Buena Vista for their first river trip. It’s a family of 6, including 4 young children that have never been on the river. Instead of taking just 1 boat down the river, we will be taking two boats. Instead of just me being the guide on the trip, Cailyn and Isaac will be in another boat, taking our 13-year old boys (Evan and Levi) down the river. I will be leaning on them to help ensure that our group of boats stay safe and that everyone has an unforgettable experience on the water. 

The family we take down the river will be impacted in ways we will never fully realize. They will remember this trip for many years to come. They will one day reflect on the pictures of their family river trip that happened years ago. 

This is just another example of the power of a place like Noah’s Ark. It’s not only a place where memories are made in the moment. It’s a place where lifelong memories are created and generations of people are impacted.

This is the essence of Noah’s Ark. 

Now…it’s time to get ready for our river trip.